Project Background.
Lumley RWPS abstracts from the River Wear raw water directly to the inlet of Lumley WTW, which supplies potable water to the Sunderland area.
Much of the electrical and mechanical equipment at the RWPS had dated from the 1970’s.The pump sizes and layout had been inefficient, and the plant had become increasingly unreliable and difficult to maintain in recent years. The objectives were:-
To achieve these objectives Labtec provided the Electrical, Control and Instrumentation works including new Main Pumps MCC and Ancillary Services MCC, Pump Strainer local panels, Complete new Pumping Station electrical
There was a mixture of HV and LV equipment within the RWPS, requiring a high degree of procedural control to maintain safety when removing old equipment and maintaining elements of a running system. Because the RWPS had to remain active the removal of the old equipment and installation of the new had to be phased across several months.
Labtec provided a string test for each pump in accordance with E104 using one of the pump starter sections we had designed and manufactured.